The Goddamn Particle Part II
Francois Englert and Peter Higgs received this year's Nobel prize in physics for discovering the Anderson-Higgs-Brout-Englert-Guralnik-Hagen-Kibble mechanism. As Steven Weinberg said, "More people deserve the Noble Prize than get it"! The discovery of the Higgs mechanism was driven by the desire to unify the two fundamentally different forces of nature, the Electromagnetic Force and the Weak Nuclear Force, which work over very different distance ranges. One of the largest and the most expensive experiment that humankind has ever done was to discover the Higgs particle. Prof.Vikram Vyas in his presentation to Newsclick, describes how the presence of the Higgs field hides the fundamental similarity of the electromagnetic and weak force, and explains the necessity for the existence of such a particle in our description of the fundamental laws of nature.
Vikram Vyas is professor of physics at the School of Natural Sciences, Shiv Nadar University. His research is in the field of theoretical particle physics.
This video is second in the three-part presentation. Visit the following link to view the first part.
Photo credit: Courtesy, Weizmann Institute
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